Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Merciless love

Stinging from your brazen wittiness
Incensed at excessive unpretentiousness
Doubtful after recent disregard
Was previous reverence mere façade?

I find myself irate, unnerved
A mortified sob goes unheard

Your incorrigible madness is exhausting
Nonchalant statements so frustrating
The reluctance to amend in return for affection
Am I to you just a whimsical distraction?

I mope and think in trepidation
Should have chosen love with more precision

Then just like that you smile and beckon
I scowl and look away in slow deliberation
And from my window watch the sparrows
You amble over and stand too close

Then brush cool fingertips against my eyelashes
A sigh escapes you and forehead creases

Million murmured apologies and many thousand hushes
Wrapped in love while my anger turns to ashes
Misgivings are wiped out little by little
Sentiments are so vehement yet fickle

You mock my tears yet wipe them dry
Without this merciless love life would be awry.


A Simple Equation said...

OHT - Over Head Transmission

Love (in whatever form) should not be expressed in such a complicated manner (and language).

Just Kidding :P. Nice poem though !!

Manic Junkie said...

I just wanted to pen what's going on in my head lately... maybe that's why it's turned out more complicated than you'd have liked. Then again, love is never as simple as we want it to be.

MAVERICK said...

Hey, good one.
The subject matter is as subjugatively complex as is your poem.
Its yours thoughts that are pen down in beautiful poem
the complicted thoughts of love put in black and white in less complicated rather simplified verse !!!

Smudged Sensibilities said...

Hey, the barely veiled cruelty in this piece is what strikes an immediate chord in me.

Well presented! Great Stuff.
