Friday, June 6, 2008


Wild wind and lashing rain

Listen to me, I run again

Against you, and you sting my face

But I run on, to that place

Where I find myself, my essence

My peace, my penance…

Under the dark gray foreboding sky

I stand alone and wonder why

I'm wrapped in its ominous presence

Yet upon me falls such a sense

Of calmness, an odd stillness, immobility

A bizarre impossibility…

I come to a standstill, and you keep pouring

Hear me now, what's this that you bring

With you, that eases my soul of its restiveness

And helps me to think through the mess

That's become my life, chaos and confusion with traces

Of bitterness…

The wind whips across my bare arms

It hurts, yet it can do no harm

The hurt inside is raw and deep

This shallow ache can never seep

To those depths, so there's no reason to complain

Yet again…